How We Provide Instruction in WSESU
Effective instruction requires a high-quality core curriculum with additional layers of support provided for students who need it. Overall, this is referred to as providing Multi-Layered Systems of Support. In the sections below, we describe the core instruction provided, and the support that is layered on top of that core.

Core Instruction
At grades pre-K through 6, core instruction is provided by classroom teachers in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Library, and Physical Education. Foreign language instruction is provided in most elementary schools at some grade levels. At the middle school and high school level, most subjects are taught by content-specific educators, and may include additional subject areas and specializations (technology, business, health, etc., and many career-oriented courses at our associated Windham Regional Career Center). District-wide curricular programs/frameworks have been adopted at the elementary level in a number of topic areas.
Multi-Layered Systems of Support – MLSS or MTSS
Additional layers of support in addition to core instruction include differentiation within the core classroom, push-in support from additional staff members in core, individual or small-group intervention support outside of core, and more intensive, specialized instruction for some identified students. As we emphasize inclusion wherever possible, the focus is to provide support in core classrooms. However, some instances may require support outside of the core classroom environment.