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 MULtilingual Learner Education in WSESU

The WSESU ML program aims to celebrate students’ multilingual identities, support students to develop academic and social language proficiency in English, and promote achievement in all content areas for students to realize their dreams. Families of all students whose registration information indicates that a language in addition to English is spoken at home are contacted to determine eligibility for services.  A Collaborative Language Learning plan is developed, tailored to highlight a student’s assets and skills and outline an educational plan to promote learning in English as an additional language.  

ML teachers provide focused language and literacy instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing, connected to grade level standards and expectations for content learning. Teachers work with a variety of English proficiency levels, cultural backgrounds, and learning styles. Students also receive instruction in content learning from classroom teachers who are trained to provide additional strategies and supports for English Learners at all levels of proficiency. The schools in WSESU currently offer ML program instruction from Kindergarten through grade 12.  

Program Coordinators:    

    1. Deb Coombs, Elementary ML Coordinator
    2. Jennifer Course, Secondary ML Coordinators
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