Substitutes in Our Schools
Application Process
Windham Southeast Supervisory Union, and member districts WSESD and VTSD, are very frequently in need of substitutes for teachers, paraeducators, nurses, crossing guards, and other school staff. If you are interested in becoming a substitute in one of these positions, please select from the provided links below to apply.
Substitute Teacher/Paraeducator Link: 3ePBbUpisaT1k1Gw7
Substitute Nurse Link: YWEWuK6xTQUEodgH7
Substitute Crossing Guard Link: krwUrYWJQogRkZkYA
Note: If you are applying for the first time, or after a long hiatus, you will need to do a fingerprint check with the Sheriff’s Office. The school district pays for these checks. Also, substitutes will need to use the Absence and Substitutes App (mobile or desktop) to take substitute jobs as they arise.

Substitute Pay
The current rate of pay for substitute teachers is $125 per day
A typical Substitute day