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Windham Southeast Supervisory Union Special Education Services


Attention to all individuals who were born between 1996 and 2000 and graduated between the years of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 from Brattleboro Union High School, 131 Fairground Road, Brattleboro, VT 05301.

This serves as notice that Brattleboro Union High School will destroy all remaining paper copies of your educational records.  Please note that your records will be destroyed within 30 days of this notice.

You must contact the Brattleboro Union High School Special Education Department at 802-451-3968 by or before July 30, 2023 if you wish to retrieve your records.

WSESU Child Find Notice


WSESU Special Education expands the continuum of educational services for students identified with a disability per the Vermont State Board of Education Manual of Rules and Practices.  Students with disabilities receive an equitable education addressing their individual needs to achieve their fullest potential in academics, social/emotional development, and life skills leading to personal independence to access post-secondary education and/or employment. Special Education services are embedded in each WSESU school working alongside classroom and academic support educators to provide appropriate opportunities within each school’s Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.

Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability. This is often referred to as a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). Special education services can be provided in a variety of settings, such as in the classroom, out of the classroom, or in an alternative setting.

The current federal law that governs all Special Education Services is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires equitable education to students with disabilities. The Rules and Regulations for Special Education in Vermont are contained in the State of Vermont Special Education Rules.

Eligibility for special education services is determined by an Evaluation and Planning Team (EPT).  A child must meet criteria in one of the disability categories (listed below) and there must be evidence that the disability adversely affects the child’s educational performance in at least one basic skill area.  In addition, it must be determined that the student demonstrates a need for specialized instruction that is not available through the school’s comprehensive list of services available to all students.

There are thirteen categories of disability under IDEA. They include:


Deaf or Blindness

Developmental Delays

Emotional Disturbance

Hearing Impairments

Intellectual Disability

Multiple Disabilities

Orthopedic Impairments

Other Health Impairments

Specific Learning Disabilities

Speech and Language Impairments

Traumatic Brain Injury

Visual Impairments

For more information about special education in Vermont, please explore the “Resources” section below.

Green Divider

Contact and Mailing Information:

Windham Southeast Supervisory Union
53 Green Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
802-254-3748 or 3749
Fax 802-254-9366

Tate Erickson

Director of Special Education

Brandy Levesque

Coordinator of Early Childhood Special Education

Whitney Lynde

Coordinator of Special Education – Elementary

Kevin Drury

Coordinator of Middle School and High School Special Education

Eleanor Kearney

Administrative Assistant – Special Education

Tabitha Favreau

Medicaid Clerk

Cynthia Weiss

Administrative Assistant, High School Special Education

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